Bibliography Keyword: Chintz
Portugal and the East through embroidery: 16th to 18th century coverlets from the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon
NOTE: “Cotton fabrics, Cotton printing, Dyes, Chikan work, Kamdani, Gold lace, Woollen fabrics,” pp. 39-43. […]
Indiennes et palampores a l’Ile Bourbon au XVIIIe siecle
NOTE: Catalog of an exhibition at Musee Historique de Ville a Saint-Gilles-les Hauts, 1994. […]
Homage to kalamkari
Frontispiece: East Indian palampore
Die britisch East India Company: Geschichte eines Kulturaustauschs
East India polychrome palampore, 1705-1720
Een derde wapen-palempore voor het Fries Museum
Chintz anciens, les cotonnades imprirnees d’Asie