NOTE: An exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. […]
Bibliography Keyword: Chintz
Chintz anciens, les cotonnades imprirnees d’Asie
An English source of India chintz design
A French source of Indian chintz design
Trade Goods: A Study of Indian Chintz in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum
Toiles imprimees de la Perse et de l’Irule d’apres les documents recueillis par Oberkampf.
The trade of India critically and calmly consider’d and proved to be destructive to the general trade of Great Britain as well as to the woolen and silk manufacturers in particular
The tree of life in Indian textiles, Dimensions of Indian Art: Pupul Jayakar Seventy, Lokesh Chandra and Jyotindra Jain, eds.
The story of the painted curtain
The textile fabrics of India and Huddersfield cloth industry