Bibliography Keyword: Ikat
Textiles of Asia: a common heritage
Simple weft-ikat from south Gujarat India. The production of loincloths for the Chodhri tribe by Khatri weavers of Mandvi
NOTE: “Silk weaving,” pp. 204-205; “Cotton weaving, Industrial arts, Traditional designs, Skilled workmanship, Ornamental fabric, Extra yarn stitching, Screen designs,” pp. 219-225. […]
Patola und Geringsing. Fuehrer durch das Museum fuer Voelkerkunde und Schweiz
Patola und Geringsing: zeremonial tucher aus Indien und Indonesian
Patola/Virali Pattu: from Gujarat to Kerala, new information on double ikat textiles in south India
Patola: masterpiece of tie and dye process
Materialien zur Kenntnis der Ikattechnik
Indonesian textiles: symposium 1985, with a supplement by Brigette Khan Majliswith (editors)