Over 10,000 bibliographic listings on the arts, traditional crafts, design heritage, culture- intangible and tangible, its practitioners, history and associated studies.
Monthly Literary Register and Notes and Queries for Ceylon, July 1984 ; 150-151 p.
xv, 108 p., 1st ed, New Delhi: Aayu Publications, 2018
xix, 332 p., Delhi: Rishi Publications, 2014
Madras: University of Madras, 1981
Vol. XIV, No. 3, Bombay: Marg, 1960-61, XIV(3):20-27, 1960
Nabholz-Kartaschoff, Marie-Louise
Swissair Gazette, Zurich, 1982, 3:12?17,
A Scheme for Co-operative Development of Cottage Industries, Colombo: Ceylon Govt. Press, 1953
The Market Research Company of Ceylon
Section 21, 249-278p., Colombo: Ministry of Commerce and Trade, 1968
Ceylon Homes and Gardens, Oct 1938 : 39 - 43 p. 2 illus
Zurich: Zeitschrift fur alte und neue kunst, 1965 : 34-36 p.
249-253 p. 2 col. pl. 2 text illus, Connoisseur, April 1978