Over 10,000 bibliographic listings on the arts, traditional crafts, design heritage, culture- intangible and tangible, its practitioners, history and associated studies.
Vol. XIV, Part I-Report, Appendix II, P. 249., Madras: Census of India, 1931
Surat: Shri Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan, Institute of Learning and Research, Sarvajanik Education Society, 69p ., 1953
Colombo: Spolia Zeylanica: Bulletin of the National Museum of Ceylon, Sep 1909 : 76-77 p.
Vol. XXV, Part I-Report, Appendix IV, Mysore: Part I, Report, Appendix IV, Pp. 343-344, Census of India, Vol. XXV,, 1931
Wien ar chiv fur volkerkunde 27, Museum fur Volkerkunde, 1973
Nabholz-Kartaschoff, Marie-Louise
Kyoto, Japan: Shikosha Publishing Co. Ltd., 1986