Untracht, Oppi

Untracht, Oppi

India : a jewelry spectrum : an exhibition

Untracht, Oppi

New York: The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, 1998

Pottery of Ceylon

Untracht, Oppi

Calcutta: Art in Industry, 1958 : 19-26 p. 9 illus

The Body Encrusted

Untracht, Oppi

Traditional Jewelry of India, 40(4):42-49, American Craft,, 1980

Metal Techniques for Craftsmen

Untracht, Oppi

New York: Robert Hale Ltd., 1968

Jewelry Concepts and Technology

Untracht, Oppi

Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York; Robert Hale Ltd, London, 1982

Jewellery [of Jewellery Making]. In Ethnic Jewellery, 65-93, 173-99

Untracht, Oppi

British Museum Publications, London; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1988

Enamelling on Metal

Untracht, Oppi

New York; Philadelphia: Greenberg; Chilton Book Company, 1957