Aid To Artisans (ATA), a USA based non-profit organization offers practical assistance to artisan groups worldwide, working in partnerships to foster economic development, improved livelihoods, cultural vitality and community well-being. Through collaboration in product development, business skills training and linkages to new markets, ATA provides sustainable economic and social benefits for craftspeople in an environmentally sensitive and culturally respectful manner. ATA’s uniqueness lies in its multi-faceted and holistic approach to artisan enterprise development, which is designed to provide sustainable economic and social benefits to artisans and their communities. ATA works with artisans across the globe and currently has 20 projects across four continents. ATA benefits 20-25,000 artisans per year through projects and grants (with 2/3 being women), and in FY07 leveraged more than $15 million in new sales for artisan businesses.