Vilsbøll, Anne

Vilsbøll, Anne

Vilsbøll, Anne

Anne Vilsbøll is a Danish visual artist, writer and curator specializing in handmade paper as a means of artistic expression. She learned papermaking from Professor Frank Eckmair, Suny, Buffalo, NY and from Nance O’Banion CCA, CA, in the early 80s. Since 1983, she has researched handmade paper in most parts of the world; written essays and articles about paper as well as books, e.g. Papermaking I – II – III, Borgens Publisher, 1985 -91-96, Language of Paper, 2011, and organized exhibitions: i.a. Paper Path and Paper Road, 1995 – 1996, Paper Revisited, Art Center Silkeborg Bad, 2001, Sindhupare, India 2011 and Paper – a cross-cultural voice, Art Center Silkeborg Bad and Kasturbhai Lalbhai Museet, Ahmedabad 2022 – 23. Anne Vilsbøll is visiting professor and guest lecturer at art academies, design schools and art museums. She was a founding member of IAPMA, International Association of Paper Artists and Hand Papermakers, in 1986, editor 86 – 92, president 96 – 00. In 1987 she founded Strynø Papiratelier, in 2001 Atelier Ferrage, St. Jeannet, France, in 2005 artist residence house Makanne, Udaipur, India, and in 2020 the Paper Academy in