By Design: Sustaining Culture in Local Environments
Edited by Dr. Eiluned Edwards this special edition has a collection of essays that emerged from an India-UK International Partnership funded by the British Academy
The Poetics and Politics of Indian Folk and Tribal Art
Edited by Minhazz Majumdar these essays go beyond art objects by examining contexts of creation and the maker’s creativity to build a deeper understanding of the subject.
The essays in this issue examine educational paradigms where traditional oral learning and apprenticeships have been deepened and extended through the layering-on of formal educational for artisans.
With a focus on hand block-printed textiles the 13 essays and one video in this edition approach this vast subject from differing angles, bringing in a new perspective to an ancient craft.
This issue includes essays that focus on a range of themes from cultural and creative industries, historiography, fashion, sustainable futures, endangered traditions and revival to notes from the field In India and from Argentina
This issue includes essays and notes from the field. Focussing on aspects from cultural and creative industry, historiography, fashion, sustainable futures, regeneration of endangered practices, innovation and more...