An arrow.

‘Town bred’ doll popular in Darbhanga, Bihar

Back strap tension loom,
(Also, Back tension loom, Body tension loom) – A two bar frameless loom with back strap belt or wooden yoke passing around the weaver’s back and secured to the breast beam. The weaver controls the tension of the warp yarns by leaning forwards or backwards against the strap, while at the other end of the warp, another beam, known as the warp beam, is held secure.

Back to Front,
A phrase used to describe the traditional warping method after the recent popularity with a method called front to back warping.

Plain cotton material used on top of the printing blanket to prevent this becoming soiled with excess dye.

Parts of an artwork that lie in the distance and appear to be behind objects in the foreground.

Backstrap-tension loom,
A two-bar frameless loom with a backstrap, belt or wooden yoke passing around the weaver’s back and secured to the breast-beam. The leaning forwards or backwards against the strap, while at the other end of the warp, another beam, known as the warp-beam, is held secure. It is also known as a back-tension loom or a body tension loom.

A thick variety of flattened metallic wire.

Closely-woven silk fabric with all over or partly gold or silver thread patterns used specially for garments.

Necklace with floral design.

Punjabi woman's ceremonial shawl, where almost all the fabric is covered with embroidery; see also Phulkari.

(lit.’garden’) A Punjabi woman’s shawl worn at weddings and some other ceremonies. Embroidered in heer (floss) silk so that the background of hand-woven khaddar cloth is almost completely covered.

A style of the Phulkari embroidery of Punjab that covers the entire surface of the fabric such that only the floss silk is visible.

Tie-dyed shoulder cloth traditionally worn by Harijan women of Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Type of the doll made in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra

Armband worn on the upper arm; from baju, meaning upper arm and bandh, meaning to tie around.

Back stitch; part of the repertoire of nakshi kantha embroidery.

Herringbone stitch done on the reverse as shadow work.

The heating of a material in an oven to a require temperature to bring about permanent changes in its composition.

Bala or Balay,
Rounded bangle.