The edge of a fabric where the yarns reverse direction.

The opaque painted or photographically produced positive of all areas of one design colour on transparent film. Also known as a ‘sketch’ or ‘tracing’.

Small, shiny, usually metallic discs with a central hole. Also known as spangles.

The process of cultivating, harvesting, and processing silk from silkworms, primarily the domesticated caterpillar Bombyx mori, which is a type of moth. Silkworms are fed a diet of mulberry leaves, increasing their body weight nearly 10,000 times in their month-long lifespan. The silkworms extrude a protein-based liquid that when exposed to air becomes the filament that creates their cocoon. The cocoons are soaked in hot water to soften them and the filament is drawn out and wound onto a reel. Several filaments are drawn out simultaneously and twisted together in a process much like plying.

Wealthy man

The number of warp threads per inch.

A name given to certain muslins.

Color to which black or another dark hue has been added to make that color darker. For example, black added to red produces darker shades of red.  

Showing gradations of light and darkness in a picture by darkening areas that would be in shadow and leaving other areas light.  

Shadow appliqué,
Appliqué embroidery in which the base fabric shows through a pattern cut out of a translucent upper fabric.

Shadow puppets,
Viewed as shadows from behind a lamp-lit cloth screen, puppets usually made from leather, are manipulated with the help of bamboo sticks attached at certain point, usually at joins on the shoulders, knees, elbows and head. The highly animated performance, along with the drum beat and loud narration of stories is highly effective in mesmerising the spectators.

A frame or two sticks with heddles which moves up and down to form sheds. Called a harness by some.

(Hindi) Energy

Traditional red cotton quilt material in nakshi kantha emboidery; also used in Sujni embroidery.

Two horizontal bars of karchob.

Shamuk taga,
The snail border

Conch shell, one of Vishnu’s emblems

Snakehead pattern in Kantha emrboidery.

A distinct spatial form depicted in two dimensions and created by lines or a change in color, shading, or materials.