Rolling pin, in Northern India

A means of blow air into a furnace. Bellows are very rarely preserved in the archaeological record. The main evidence of the various types that could have been used comes from historical or ethnographic sources. Types of bellows that could have been used were :- the pot bellows, bag bellows, box bellows as well as the 'normal' smiths bellows. Initially, bellows were hand or foot powered. With the introduction of water-powered bellows furnace sizes and temperatures could increase if suitable refractory materials were available.    

Votive terracotta figure of a monkey on wheels in Bastar, Madhya Pradesh

There is no universally accepted definition of the term.  However, it has been argued by many stakeholders that traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions are generally regarded as collectively originated and held, so that any rights and interests in this material should vest in communities rather than individuals.  In some cases, however, individuals, such as traditional healers, might be regarded as the holders of traditional knowledge or traditional cultural expressions and as beneficiaries of protection. Some national and regional laws for the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions provide rights directly to concerned peoples and communities.  Many rather vest rights in a governmental authority, often providing that proceeds from the granting of rights to use the traditional knowledge or cultural expressions shall be applied towards educational, sustainable development, national heritage, social welfare or culture related programs. Discussions on the issue have noted that the term could include indigenous peoples, indigenous communities, local communities, traditional communities, cultural communities, nations, individuals, groups, families, and minorities.

A pair of curved tongs meant for pots.

An embroidered, appliquéd or beadwork hanging which is hung right across the walls of kathi houses in Saurashtra, Gujarat.

Nose ornament.

Hindu month between August and September

Priest of the Dushadh community of Bihar

Hindu religious song.

Javelin in Northern India

Cannabis sattvica

A caste of Hindu farmers who are largely settled in Kutch but can also be found in Saurashtra and the rest of Gujarat.

Embroidery in Kutch, Gujarat

A caste of herders found in Kutch and Saurashtra in Gujarat.

A bard, often performing the function of genealogist, Rajasthan

A caste of Hindu traders who are mainly centred in Kutch.

Loose warp at edges

See Besan.